Yes, another post of pictures from 895 years ago. Sorry bout' that! Just that my computer got no damn working speakers UNTIL SATURDAY (sheeeesshh) so i can't watch videos SO i get bored easily on the computer SO here i am blogging for my lovely readers (lol blechhh) ALRIGHT LET'S GET TO THE MAIN POINT
Basically what Ngeeann-tartica is about, is that we have an inter-class relay marathon, every class has to run a total of 42km, each class has groups of 5, and these 8 groups OF fives will have to run twice at least around the stadium track, which adds up to 0.8km(ithink)! Plus minus other groups who ran >2 rounds, we run a total of 42km! Insane, i know. But the reason why we had this event in the first place is because one of our teachers Ms Kulyk (SHE'S FROM UP THERE IN CANADA HAHA HI) is gonna be one of the very first females to run a 42m marathon in FREAKING ANTARTICA!! So the school had this event to support her yes we're amazing. x
So here we are at bedok stadium early at 7.30am!

lol chenyi looks MAJOR slutty in those photos above not even kidding
DAMN i forgot the take photos when the marathon was ONGOING! It was actually quite interesting haha even though it's a LOT harder than it looks, the track is MUCH LONGER than it seems, when you run on that track, it feels like it never ends!! LOL TIRING MAX, but i can't complain coz i only ran 2 rounds, many other people ran 5 rounds in total sia WOAHHHHH and it wasn't even jogging, it's like,
running. It's an inter-class competition you seeeeee...
Lol we are kind of actually compulsive doodlers haha.
supposed to be a clique photo but ahem others decided it would be funny to photo bomb.
PHAIL CLASS SHOT lol taken by david, he's not very stable.
Ngeeann-tartica was TRULY enjoyable, besides the fact that this event forced me to exercise lol, it's also a REALLY GOOD AND WELL-DESERVED BREAK for us coz we've seriously been studying like DOGS for the past... i dunno how many weeks, i just remember studying all the goddamn time ever since i entered sec4, crazy! Yeah had fun with my class(?)...
Okay la, i have to say something. I'm fucking pissed off with 4R1, actually, no, the BOYS from R7 that were fucking playing fucking CHESS during the marathon, to be specific. Knnnnnnnnnnn it's about the class effort and spirit OKAY, when all of the other people were trying hard and cheering our runners on, this group of... LOSERS were sitting at the stands away from the sun PLAYING FUCKING CHESS. Not even english chess, CHINESE CHESS SOME MORE. knn seriously can't stand them, i was silently shooting them in the head and swearing/cursing at them with all my might, seriously damn annoyed when i saw them sitting there like a bunch of losers playing chess. They actually ARE losers, i CAN'T believe they are a part of my class. The LEAST that they could do was to sit and watch and give moral support by cheering or something, OR KNOWING WHEN IT'S YOUR TURN TO RUN. Bloody fucking hell, some of them even forgot that it was their turn to run and the ones that JUST finished their round, tired and breathless, had to run all the way to the stands to fucking call them to come down to the track. Worse thing is; they were too absorbed in playing they couldn't hear us until we literally fucking screamed at them, THEN they shamelessly came forward. WHAT THE FLYING FUCK?!?!?!?! The MAIN reason why i hate my class is because of people like them, seriously they should just migrate to china and play chinese chess for all their lives I DON'T EVEN CARE, seriously, Ngeeann is a better place without them. knnbccb the more i think about it the more i'm frustrated and pissed off. I really wish i had the courage to overturn their chess set and throw my fucking shoe at them before screaming at them and shaming them in front of all the sec4 classes. GRRRRRRRRRRR REALLY FUCKING PISSED OFF, can't believe that they're such losers, can't believe they're in my class. Seriously, i can't wait to graduate and get the fuck out of that class. knnn....
ALL NEGATIVITY ASIDE, on this very special leap year day 29th February, IT WAS YEELER'S BIRTHDAY AS WELL! So we went over to his house for a mini birthday celebration :)

We actually had 6 pizzas WOOHOO!!!!!!!! Great reward after all that running, bet we gained back all the calories in one meal lol.
xx <3