Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Randomass post.

Hello so here i am with this SUPER random post that consists of SUPER random photos from SUPER random schooldays. Here's the thing, i've been super guilty because i haven't been updating much, i'm busy with work and being sick(?), haha so i haven't updated PROPERLY much. But hey that Harry Styles GIF was cute eh? *ALL SMILES* Upcoming photos for you sexylicious idiots. 

From the time when we were doing group work in the library during English lesson, LOOK AT THAT THICK DISTIONARY I'M STUDYING. *pro*

 Chenyi looking pretty damn hardworking ahhhaha

 Genevieve and Janice didn't need a thick and heavy (and smelly) dictionary like us because they had The Dictionary 2.0 - The iPod, duh. Geniuses. 

 Leroy looking damn cute please. LOL 


 PRETTY DAMN COOL HUH, we learn how to fly fighter jets woohoo!! Actually thought it was bloody boring, but turns out it was super fun!! I'm a pilot now ok don't play play with me. 

 The trio. #bromanceforever 

 Leroy : "AIYAH, IT'S LIDDAT LAH!!!!!!"
Me and Chenyi : *BLUR FACE 100%* 


 I was just terrified when the lesson began because i HATED balloons so much to the point where i was afraid of them lor, and i had to twist and turn and tie balloons WALAO HELL PLEASE. But it was alright after a while because i warmed up and such, bet those balloons are good ones because they didn't pop easily. *whew* I developed the fear of balloons since that time a balloon burst in my face when i was blowing it up for CCA display. wtf wtf wtf. LOL LAME IKR. 


I CAUGHT 2 PRAWNS. Technically...... because i accidentally dropped one prawn BACK into the pond when i was trying to kill it ASDKGJHDFKGJLDFKJG STUPID ME. 
But still i caught one ;) 

Random day @ work. 

 I just hope no one recognizes where i work at by looking at the uniform, that'll be so ridiculous. T.T lol anyway i'm coping pretty well with work! Seems like my luck has been pretty well since i came back from Malaysia, first day of work after i got back from the SUPER long break from having fun in Genting and being a zombie at home (lol i was sick) i got posted to the Grand Ballroom with a super nice senior and SUPER interesting Dinner and Dance! No joke, the people dressed up there were RIDICULOUS, damn i wish i had photos of them, seriously epic. And the people there were super dramatic, when two girls see each other they will run dramatically into each others arms and be like "OHHHH DARLING SISTAHH!! IT'S BEEN TOO LONG I MISSED YOU HUN!!!" And i'm like over there.... holding the beverage tray and serving cocktail staring at them...... O.O LOL. Second day after that i got assigned to Macvanda room and got a SUPER nice and steady senior, she's totally cool and steady i swear she's the best senior ever lol. 

Okayz that's the INTERESTING bit of my life, I'M GOING OVERSEAS AGAIN, IN CASE YOU DUNNO, haha going to Malaysia (again) with the school for UG trip! *excited* so now my life is just to pack my bag and wait anxiously for the trip. Sigh. That means i won't be updating again lor SORRY LORRRRRRRRR. Btw, pheobe is coming over this Friday WHILE I'M AT MALAYSIA BOOHOOOOOOO :( but yeah, it's always a good thing that she's coming over! She'll be staying for a little more than a week - awesome. 

i shall end this post with 1D stupidity appreciation photos. 

omg, i'm in love with six boys at a time.
You know which 6 i'm talking about. 

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