Monday, December 5, 2011

Fall in my arms.


HI. Yes i'm back from Mawai and i can't feel more amazing!!!!!! Mawai was insane fun because everything was interesting and fun, the people, the activities, and place(ahem) was super cool!! ....... okay lah fine, i admit it wasn't ALL-FUN-LE-ENJOYMENT all the time because the entire place was just wood and wood and splinters and more wood plus mud, coz of the rain. The toilets weren't clean and comfy, the place wasn't very brightly lit (at all like wtf at night you're practically blind w/o a torch) and i fell sick on the second day. But overall it was still a lot of fun!!! Spending time with my sisters and the other people from other CCAs like WOW we had tons of fun like you can't imagine, TBH, we(guides and other CCAs) didn't really dare to talk to each other until the third day, when me and Genevieve gathered hell a lot of courage to tell the other leaders to prompt their juniors to talk and communicate more with each other, HOHOHOHO NOT THAT I'M CLAIMING CREDIT BUT STILL..... lol jk. I have a lot to pour out lah so i'm gonna do the blogging style like good old days; blogging with loooooooong paragraphs and no photos at all LMAO. Enjoy.

First day: 
Arriving at Mawai, nothing much interesting happened, just that one of the girls from Adventure Sports practically flung her phone into the river when we arrived at the jetty omfg i feel so sorry for her T.T But she said it was okay because her SIM card is safe in her wallet and the phone was just a gift from someone, LUCKY HER!!! lol we arrived there and "checked in" into our dorms haha, the boys and girls share the same dorm btw, just that we are seperated by two notice boards; boys at the east side of the dorm and girls at the west. We had a LOOOOOOONGASS lecture by this super cool dude we call Uncle Sutari, he's a rather old man and totally loving life man, never stops laughing haha. And then we made our own beds; YES MADE OUR OWN BEDS, cool or what?! It was super comfy, exactly like a hammock, just that it doesn't rock back and forth, EVEN BETTER LOR. and then we had lunch, AMAZING LUNCH, food there tastes super good all the time coz the cook there is super awesome lor. Then it was the SWAMP FOREST WALK, literally an effing swamp man, it was muddy beyond belief, but i've got lots of help from others so it was cool, especially Azfar omg this noisy sec2 dude from NPCC, never thought he would save my life LOL. Coz i literally fell into KNEE-DEEP mud, i was unlucky lah just stepped at the wrong place holy shit my shoe was hanging off my foot and half-lost in the mud already TROLOLOL I was literally screaming for help then he came over and pulled me up, thanks Azfar whew. Not to mention VANESSA AS WELL, WALAO how come NPCC people all so steady, Vanessa saved my life too when i fell into another pool of knee-deep mud,  yes i was very unlucky and stupid to step at spots where no one has stepped before which turned out to be black-holes-of-death LOL JK. But yeah i fell in again and screamed for help before Vanessa came to my rescue LOL. After the tiring swamp forest walk (that almost killed me) we went for water obstacles!!!! Super fun and super wet, entire pond was filled with water plants haha but the obstacles weren't as difficult as the one at KOREF sec3 camp, so i had a lot of fun. and PS DID I MENTION THAT I WAS THE ONLY GIRL TO PASS THE ENTIRE V-BRIDGE? thank you thank you thank you a round of applause please. Haha actually it was only me and another dude Han Wei who passed the entire bridge hand-in-hand LOL the rest of the people gave up totally. Then it was wash-up and dinner! Difficult time showering because it was so damn dark in the cubicles and the water was icy-cold, BUT BETTER THAN KOREF NONETHELESS. Then we had a good night's sleep. Rather good lah, because the bed was so damn comfy. Ahh. 

Second day: 
TREKKING DAY! We trekked up Gunung Arong, 300m high mountain. It was terrible during the ascent, because first thing; it was so bloody tiring like you can't even imagine, you are so out of breath to talk and you're literally DRENCHED in your sweat, plus it was drizzling during the ascent, damn. TO MAKE IT WORSE; I had gastric pains ever since i woke up, i fell asleep on the bus otw to the mountain so the pain went away when we reached, but once we started climbing the mountain, the pain was just so asdldkgjhldjlfgjkldfhkfl unbearable. Seriously i don't know how i survived the entire ascent but i did, so many times i felt like giving up but i thought that if i gave up i would embarrass myself and slow everyone down that's why i REFUSE to stop even though i was literally dying by the minute lol. Everyone was telling me to sit down and have water, sit down and rest for a few minutes or the guys were offering to take my bag for me, but i was like "omg no, so paiseh" so yeah, A ROUND OF APPPLAUSE FOR JINGWEN PLEASE, because everyone had gastric pains before, y'all know what it feels like T.T AND I FINISHED THE CLIMB!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I cried when i reached the summit lol silly me. Anyway, the descent was much better because i took medicine before we continued out journey down lol. That is all for day 2, the rest is boring shit. 

Third day:
CIP day, we basically went to a Kampong near mawai to help clean up the village as CIP activities, i had LOTS of fun at the chores, because that was when we actually bonded a lot with people with other CCAs. ;) But overall i think the idea of cleaning up houses and wiping windows and mowing the lawn for them is bullshit lah, i'm sorry i know it's KIND OF charity work, but seriously i would rather build a school for the less fortunate etc etc etc, cleaning houses? They can clean it themselves what, not that they are handicapped. T.T Anyways, i didn't regret doing it because we really did a LOT of cleaning up! :D Yeah lots and lots of CIP and we learned traditional malay games and malay instruments etc, good fun good fun. Then we had a campfire night AWWWWWWWWWWYEAHHHHHHHHHH, SUPER AWESOME TIME THERE; we did lots of cheering and performances and singing and blah blah, it was amazing and everyone was so hyped up and having lots of fun!! except for POOR GENEVIEVE who lost her voice and couldn't cheer lol. Extra note: The scouts are most probably the coolest and most fun people i've ever met, they're all sec2s but they're super cool, super spontaneous and humorous!! Very nice boys with no attitude, kudos to them. The reason why i said this is because i was sitting next to the entire bunch of junior scouts during the campfire, they're really cool people. :) 

Fourth day: 
Went to the Kampong again, this time we had AEROBICS LESSONS, cool or what?! It was insane fun, i love dancing that's why, and seeing everyone dance along was super funny and amusing LOL IDK WHY, especially those that have no sense of rhythm at lol HAHAHA ROFLMAO. Then we had some kind of gift exchange thing with the kids at the kampong, because obviously they were less privileged than we were, so we bought gifts for them :D *saints* Yeah afterwards we went back to mawai to have our LAST meal at Mawai..... le cries. And we packed up and left, i was kind of emotional to leave mawai coz i really had a lot of fun there lor, aww man. But i was excited to go home obviously!! :) Reached singapore and had dinner with a couple of other people from guides, NCC, scouts and NPCC. It was good fun, AND THEN HOME FREAKING SWEET HOME AND FREAKING AMAZING WARM WARM WARM SHOWER HAHA. 

Alright, kind of mundane and lengthy post, i'll have to wait till Mr Goh uploads everything before i can put pictures up, bear with me. Til then sexayes, buhbye. 

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