Monday, December 19, 2011

Board games.

Holla humans! 
Hope you guys had a great day today WHILE I WAS STUCK AT HOME DOING HOMEWORK you idiotic creeps. LOL JK, actually i didn't really do homework for the whole day, only started after dinner around 8pm? Heh, i finished one topic on the Amath TYS... one topic

ANYWAY, managed to dig up some blogging material because y'know, it's rare for me that i have any, my life is boring HAHAHAHAHA. This was when we went to Yeeler's house for a mini-housewarming session, because a lot of us haven't been to his new house yet. His house is really nice though! ^^ The house is painted yellowish-orange (?) SO NICE T_T I WANT ALSO. 
Okay back to the main point, it was only 5 people who went (lol phail) because others were either overseas or not free. Baszxczket. But still we had fun with board games! We learned some new board game which was super interesting, i'd better ask Yeeler where he got it from, maybe i can get a set myself ;) 

 the interesting board game i was talking about, haha i actually think it looks like some ancient scroll about magic potions in some ancient sanskrit print hahahahahhaa.... no. It's not. It's the map of some country, idk which HAHAH I SUCK A GEOGRAPHY OKAY. 

 Erika doing some fortune telling with poker cards! TOTALLY FREAKISHLY TRUE I'M TELLING YOU. I did it twice ahaha. 

 Followed by a classic game of Monopoly!! 

I'm still sorting out photos for the Mawai trip so i can post them up hahahaa. Not easy, have to kope every single one from Mr Goh lol i scared he sue me leh :| So must credit properly HAHAHA. 

I need to do shopping lah omg clothes and shoes for CNY haven't get finish T_T 

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