Sunday, December 25, 2011

Happy Jolly Christmas

IT'S CHRISTMAS TIME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

What's up sexayes! It's 12:30am as of now i'm writing this post, it's Christmas!! So freaking excited for Christmas it's just such a festive occasion and i love how everyone on the internet is going into the Christmas spirit and people are sending Christmas texts! x but anyway, tomorrow we're going to Pam's place (as usual) to have Christmas dinner together and celebrate Christmas woopee! Hope all will be good as always and i'll get a lot of presents MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA :D I'm just excited for the food mainly, haha their family never fails to whip up an AMAZING Christmas dinner complete with turkey, ham and BBQ stuff. Gosh. #excited 

Hope all of you out there will have a SMASHING Christmas! Eat lots of delicious turkey, get LOADS of presents, get a kiss under the mistletoe (lol) and most importantly, spend some time with your family and have fun together. 

Besides that, let's remember all the children out there who aren't as fortunate as us and can't celebrate Christmas, just keep in mind that it's the joy of giving this Christmas!! Show some care and concern if you can to those in need, giving back is better than receiving. think of the unfortunate, show love and be kind to people. x it goes a long way.

Have a Happy Jolly Christmas y'all :) 

Lou's birthday was technically just an hour ago, but anyway here's wishing this AMAZING lad a happy birthday cos he's one of the coolest people ever! xoxoxoxo

Thank you for being yourself and making us laugh all them time, we truly appreciate everything you've given us and being the best that you can be for us. x Hope you had an awesome SMASHING birthday complete with lots of carrot pudding, carrot cake and carrot juice. And that Harry planned some awesome naked surprises for you and you'll be forever young, just like peter pan. xx we love you to pluto and back louis!!!!! xoxoxoxxx


Love you sexayes, have a great Christmas with your families! x
xx <3

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